Company Overview Company Overview


Years Of Experience


Want to know more about us?

At present IAK consists of four partners (All are Fellow Members of ICAB) with experiences over 30 (Thirty) years having diverse expertise in auditing of various National And Multinational Organizations, Accounting, Taxation, Secretarial Service, Corporate Finance, Stocks And Security Management, Management Consultancy, Information Technology Advisory, Consultancy in Public Offering and Fund Raising, Feasibility and Market Study, Review of Financial Management System etc. IAK with its primary business office at Gulshan also operates a branch office at Mirpur for operational purposes.

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    Best Award

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    Happy Clients

Our major strength is our exposure and experience in the statutory audit of Multinational Companies, Listed Companies, Banks, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Insurance, Government and Semi-Government Body, Autonomous Body, Not-for-profit organizations, Development Projects, Branch and Liaison Offices. Moreover, IAK has significant exposure in providing taxation, valuation & advisory services to its major clients.

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Core Features

Amazing Features For Business Solutions

Taxation & VAT Service

Professional Service Chart For Any Business. VAT tax is applicable only on goods sold within a particular state, which means that the buyer and the seller need to be in the same state.

Statutory & Special Audit

Statutory and special audits are two types of financial audits conducted by external auditors to examine .

Business & Corporate Advisory

Business and corporate advisory services encompass a range of professional assistance provided to businesses to help them navigate various challenges and make informed decisions.

Business &  Corporate  Advisory Business &  Corporate  Advisory
Our Mission Image Our Mission Image

We are the next gen Business experience

  • We adhere to the strictest principles of client confidentiality and one stop, cost effective and quality services to client.
  • We adhere to the strictest principles of client confidentiality and one stop, cost effective and quality services to client.
  • The sensitive and competitive nature of proprietary informtion and maintain trust with demand.
  • Hire, develop and retain skilled and creative workforce and quality professionals to meet clients’ requirements at optimum level of satisfaction.
  • Continuous Research, Development and need based training for developing Human Resources.
  • Quality Service

    IAK is regarded as one of the top firms of chartered accountants in the country.

Our Vission Our Vission Our Vission
Our Vission

We go beyond the traditional auditing and ensure continuous service excellence and maintain high quality services to the clients by becoming your Trusted Business Advisor and go beyond expectation of our valued clients.

our vission