Human Resources IAK Human Resource IAK Human Resource
Human Resources And Other Services

Human Resources (HR) and other services are subject to various taxes depending on the jurisdiction and the specific services provided

  • Payroll Management Services (Salary Calculation, TDS Calculation, And Compliance With Local Laws)
  • Organizational Design And Strategy
  • Job Analysis And Job Profile
  • Recruitment, Selection & Retention
  • Performance Review And Development
  • Executive Search & Recruitment
Professional Service Chart For Any Business
  • Obtaining permission of Liaison Office from BIDA
  • Obtaining work permit for expatriate employee from BIDA
  • Use of office address for business communication
  • Quarterly report submission to Bangladesh Bank & others statutory authority with internal audit
  • Renewal of Liaison office & permission from Bangladesh Bank
  • Obtaining renewal of work permit for expatriate employee from BIDA
  • Opening of Bank Account for Liaison office
  • Opening of Bank Account for the expatriate personnel
  • Obtaining security clearance from Special Branch, National Security Intelligence and Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of Bangladesh for expatriates
  • Obtaining ‘PI’/‘E’-visa recommendation letter from BIDA
  • Obtaining ‘E’, ‘PI’, ‘FE’ - visa of the expatriate from the immigration
  • Cancellation of permission of Liaison Office from BIDA and Bangladesh Bank
  • Other professional services on request